Sun Salutation Yoga Pose

The sun salutation or surya namaskara soor yuh nah muh skar uh is a series of poses performed in a sequence to create a flow of movement.
Sun salutation yoga pose. Sun salutation poses are typically practiced in the morning at sunrise. It is the set of 12 yoga poses which can be performed while chanting 12 different mantras. The practice of sun salutation awakens the body intelligence to create energy directly from the sun. It serves as an all purpose yoga tool kind of like a hammer that s also a saw and a screwdriver if you can imagine such a thing.
Sun salutations provide a good cardiovascular workout stretch every part of the body and when used with breath coordinate the body with the mind. Sun salutations build heat in the body and are often used as warm up sequences for a yoga practice. I started mine with sun salutation a which is made up of 12 poses. Sun salutations are a key part of any vinyasa flow style yoga practice.
Inhale to extend and exhale to bend. A sun salutation is a series of 12 flowing poses done in succession so that one pose transitions gently into the next. Prayer pose pranamasana upward salute hastauttanasana standing forward bend hasta padasana. Mantras add a profound spiritual element to the practice.
As you practice deepen this posture by trying to place your palms on the ground while bending. Sun salutation is one of the most important yoga practices. Each pose coordinates with your breathing. Follow the steps to complete this asana.
The third asana of sun salutation is called hasta padasana also called pada hastasana or the hand to foot pose. Both sequences are designed to engage and stretch the whole body however while keeping the focus on. Remember the legs should be straight during this sequence. Surya namaskar or sun salutation is a series of postures that warms strengthens and aligns the entire body.
Sun salutations surya namaskar are a sequence of 12 powerful yoga poses with profound benefits that have been written about for thousands of years. Know how to do sun salutation or suryanamaskar step by step with right techniques breathing process and alignment of postures. The 12 sun salutation yoga poses. Today i want to share with you the sun salutation for beginners which helped me begin my practice in hopes it will help you begin or improve yours.
You may not even realize you are doing them but many teachers use them as a warm up at the beginning of class or even base whole classes around them.